Thursday, January 20, 2011

They say it comes in 3's....

I've had better weeks, I won't lie. First off, I got yelled at by my boss for arriving at work at 08h01. No jokes. And what topped it off for me was that after all the moaning and pointing at the clock in walked another employee, late.
This is how it panned out.
My boss: Morning Pauline. How are you?
Pauline: Oh, I’m fine! Thanks Steve. (My boss)
Me: Jaw dropping to floor as he proceeds to walk her to her desk. What the hell just happened here??? Was I not just being reprimanded for arriving (1min) late…???
This right here reminded me why it is I keep on saying I need to look for a new job. I HATE double standards.

Secondly, this morning, after dropping my kids off at school I was in the car, stopped at a robot and I could smell something burning. I stuck my head out the window, sniffed around a bit and realised that it was indeed my car letting off the horrid stench.
Had to leave it at a garage to get fixed after hearing that I've been driving around for 2 days now with absolutely NO water in the water tank. Now you would think how could she not know that? Let me tell you how. My temperature gauge doesn’t work. I know that now. Apparently it only seems fit to work when my car is broken down on the side of the road and steam is pouring out of my engine. Super handy.
The good thing is that I broke down close to a garage and as we speak my little blue hummer is being repaired.
So now…. There are 3 more days left in this week and I’m waiting. Waiting for number 3 to just come kick me while I’m down. And you know what? I’m gonna kick it right back because even if bad things happen in 3’s….. Doesn’t mean I gotta sit back and take it! SO. Whenever you ready, I’ll be here. Waiting. Smiling. (And really hoping I somehow avoid the 3rd disaster.)

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