Friday, January 21, 2011

My Favourites

Right. It’s Friday and I am going to share something really special with you today. I would like to introduce you to the people in my life who are just the most amazing, crazy, loveable, ridiculously good looking people I have the pleasure of calling my friends. I’ve been lucky enough to have a group of girlfriends that I’ve known for years. I’m talking like, (me counting in my head quickly) almost 20 years. How awesome is that?! :) Along the way I’ve met some other crazy girls and boys that I am now happy to say are solid mates. Hmmmmm who should I introduce you to first?…. Maybe the hubby.

Isn’t he lovely?? J (swoon) I know there are times that I really take him for granted and I could kick myself for that but then I come back down to earth and realise that there’s no-one else on this funky world that I’d rather be married to. He’s kind, freakishly smart. So sociable and funny. Very very funny. I love him. A lot. :)

Next is my mate Lauren. She’s one of the long standing ones. Been around for years and we still like each other. She’s just plain awesome

Good at EVERYTHING she does and I mean everything!
She’s also got a wicked sense of humour which is really a make it or break it quality for me. Lucky Lauren. She's an Inspiration. For real. 

Over here we have Taneal.

 How pretty is she?! She’s one of a kind this lady. She’s just fantastic. I don’t think there’s anything bad anyone could really say about her and I’m glad that I have her as a friend. She kicks ass!  

This here is Tammy and Bridget. They the beautiful blonde ladies in the pic. This picture almost made me want to dye my hair blonde. I felt so left out. These girls are LOVELY inside and out.

Hmmmm…. This one. Well the ginger is my friend Bronwyn who I absoloutely adore. I think it might have to do with the fact that we share a passion for Dirty Dancing and she used to force me to do the dance with her. Good times.
The other lady is Lynne.

Ha!!! You thought that was all I had to say. J Lynnie ( Mackers for short ) is a beach girl through and through!! She makes some really random comments sometimes which I love and when she’s had to much to drink she gets this lazy eye. Well, we all think she does, but that might have to do with the fact that we’re normally quite boozed when it appears. She rocks.

This next guy is Dean. I’ve known him for about 17 years or so and he has been through thick and thin with me. He’s probably one of the best mates a girl could have. Solid, kind, caring and just plain wonderful. Only problem is that he thinks he’s really funny. He’s really not.

He also looks pretty bad in this photo so I added another one of him to get his ratings back up. J

This dude here is Andrew.

He’s cool. He cracked his skull falling down some stairs while he lived in Korea. Yeah. He did. He’s a teacher but the weird thing is that I think most of his students actually look older than him. True story. :) I like him though.

Next on the list is Brendan. Bear for short. He’s physically pretty huge but he’s actually a real sweetheart.

His big man pride is not gonna be very happy with me if he reads that. Oh well. He’s special. In every way. But he makes me laugh so what the hell!!! He gets to stay.

Last, but definitely not least is Dassie. Or bleesh for short.

He’s one crazy sod and I love him to bits. TO BITS. He was the best man at our wedding and he had one hell of a speech. He’s fantastic and I miss him so much cause he bailed from S.A to go live in England. Sad day that was.

So that's them. What a lot. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

See that little thing on the side there??

That my friends is a countdown towards my mates wedding day. She's getting married in exactly that many days and i have exactly that many days to lose the weight i've been threatening to lose for a loooong time now. I needed something to get me going and i figured why not a countdown permanently reminding me that the days are going by and this weight isn't gonna leave by itself. Although that would be freakin awesome! If anyone (other than my awesome friend Lauren ) reads this it would be great if you could let me know what you did to lose weight and what was the reason behind it and did it actually WORK? It's always great to hear other peoples experiences. Makes me feel less alone while i battle to pass on the chocolate cupcakes to my husband instead of hiding them in the cupboard for later. :)

They say it comes in 3's....

I've had better weeks, I won't lie. First off, I got yelled at by my boss for arriving at work at 08h01. No jokes. And what topped it off for me was that after all the moaning and pointing at the clock in walked another employee, late.
This is how it panned out.
My boss: Morning Pauline. How are you?
Pauline: Oh, I’m fine! Thanks Steve. (My boss)
Me: Jaw dropping to floor as he proceeds to walk her to her desk. What the hell just happened here??? Was I not just being reprimanded for arriving (1min) late…???
This right here reminded me why it is I keep on saying I need to look for a new job. I HATE double standards.

Secondly, this morning, after dropping my kids off at school I was in the car, stopped at a robot and I could smell something burning. I stuck my head out the window, sniffed around a bit and realised that it was indeed my car letting off the horrid stench.
Had to leave it at a garage to get fixed after hearing that I've been driving around for 2 days now with absolutely NO water in the water tank. Now you would think how could she not know that? Let me tell you how. My temperature gauge doesn’t work. I know that now. Apparently it only seems fit to work when my car is broken down on the side of the road and steam is pouring out of my engine. Super handy.
The good thing is that I broke down close to a garage and as we speak my little blue hummer is being repaired.
So now…. There are 3 more days left in this week and I’m waiting. Waiting for number 3 to just come kick me while I’m down. And you know what? I’m gonna kick it right back because even if bad things happen in 3’s….. Doesn’t mean I gotta sit back and take it! SO. Whenever you ready, I’ll be here. Waiting. Smiling. (And really hoping I somehow avoid the 3rd disaster.)

Monday, January 17, 2011

My First this year

I've wanted to write a blog for a while but never really knew what to write about. I'm not particulary good in any one field and i don't have a mind blowing social life. Nor do i have the budget to support a hobby of shopping so there will be no outfit posts here. Feel free to bypass me now. Or not, and watch me as i stumble through this and hopefully come up with something worth reading. Cause if i'm honest,  (which i really hope to be throughout this) it would be freaking awesome if i had followers and comments and maybe the odd gift sent my way. :) If that doesn't happen, at least i'll have something to read through (in a dark room all by myself) when this is done.

Let me tell you about myself. I'm 27 with 2 kids, 1 husband, 2 dogs, 2 hamsters, 1 rabbbit and a goldfish. I'm still trying to figure out which is the most admin. I'm not gonna write a whole column here cause i just don't feel like it so i'm just gonna list this bad boy out.
  • I hate geckos.
  • i'm scared of flying
  • I have this opinion that i'm always right.
  • I know my husband normally is
  • i daydream at work. A lot.
  • I've actually been caught sleeping at my desk.
  • I love food. All types.
  • This is one of the reasons i married my husband. He's an amazing cook.
  • I jest, i had no clue he could cook before we got married. I married him for his insane sense of humour.
  • Seriously, he's one funny guy. Who cooks. How lucky did i get?!
  • i work in a job i'm not entirely happy at.
  • i am looking at finding a new one.
  • I am lazy though.
  • I like taking photographs, but looking through all these blogs i've realised that thats nothing special unless your good at it.
  • Am i good at it?
  • Hell yeah.
  • i'm kidding.
  • No i'm not.
  • :)
There's a lot of stuff I haven't added on here but i'm done for now. If you come across this little blog feel free to leave me a comment or advice. I'm not promising a blog-a-day so it's gonna be more of a lucky draw wether i decide to write or not. It also depends a whole lot on wether or not i have anything vaguely interesting to write about. So.... days could go by friends. Days could go by.